Operation Sandbag,

Group Registration!

What Should You Know Before Registering Your Group?

  1. We will plan our operation and promotion strategy depending on the number of registered volunteers. Please register a number of volunteers you are confident you can provide. 
  2. Don't worry, you don't have to fill all 60 spots! We will work to gather additional teams & volunteers to join you and provide additional strength. 
  3. For safety reasons, children under the age of 14 are not allowed to participate with Operation Sandbag. That being said, there is space for a few children to participate with the hospitality team (away from the sandbagging operation). It is important if you have children with you that they are able to follow all safety rules and regulations on the work site. 
  4. Please let us know how many children under 14 will have joining you. 
  5. After you sign up, please watch for follow up emails from Ashlee. You should see an email with follow up details, any shift updates, important information, etc. 
  6. If you can't find a time below that works for your team or the shift you want doesn't have enough available positions, please contact Ashlee and we come up with a plan!
  7. If anything has to change with your team and scheduled time, please let us know ASAP!

Ashlee Schmitt -- (970) 231-2904 -- aschmitt@serve68.org 

Sandbagging: Group Registration

Hospitality: Group Registration

Location Information