Family Dinner Night
The idea behind Family Dinner Night is simple: love our restaurants and love our neighbors! We get to bless businesses while they bless our friends who are struggling, a true win-win.
Every week we will feature a new restaurant and will have a list of sides that we need you to provide to make the evening a success. Please check out the schedule below and start buying next week’s sides this week.
And, Please, PLEASE, PLEASE remember to bless these restaurants every chance you get. We want every one of you to give them extra business. In fact, we hope they receive 500 orders from all of you for the 500 meals they are providing!
Help make Family Dinner Night a success!
- SHOP for next week’s sides found below and organize your friends, family and neighbors to help. Please drop your items off at SERVE 6.8 between the hours of 9-4 Monday through Friday.
- SHIP items directly to us by shopping at this link HERE. Please share this far and wide on social media. Our address is SERVE 6.8, 1239 E. Drake Rd. Ft Collins, CO 80525
- SPONSOR by donating to us and we will do the shopping.
Week of July 6 - Our Last Week of Family Dinner Night:
On the Menu: Chick-fil-A. Meals sponsored by Faith Church and Timberline Church.
Distribution Schedule - All Churches are in Fort Collins. Click on the name for map/directions.
7/7 - City Park // 10-12
7/7 - The Crossing // 5-6
7/8 - LifePointe // 9:30-12:30
7/8 - Timberline // 10-1
7/8 - Faith // 4-6
7/8 - Antioch // 5:30-7:30
7/9- Redeemer // 10-12
7/9- Timberline // 12-3
7/9 - Overland // 1-2
7/9 - Mountain View // 5:30-6:30