Leader Resources

Please track all hours for AAF volunteers here. Please make sure you have emails and phone numbers correct. 

If leaders need access to the sign up list, share this with them. Please do not share this with anyone except the leaders. 

Check here to track the production for each shift. You can also see the packing progress for each Connection Event. 

If you have a volunteer interested in getting another volunteer involved, they can share this link with them to learn more.

If you have a group interested in getting involved, share this link with them to fill out and someone will be in touch soon.

If you hear from a business looking to host a Giving Tree, have them fill out this form.

If any item needs to be purchased, please send them with the tax-exempt docs. 

Each volunteer serving on the team must sign a volunteer liability waiver.

Registration Events & Locations

Check here to see upcoming Registration Events & Locations.